Klaus Tiedge kehrte vor wenigen Tagen von seiner Photoreise aus Kenia zurück. Wir freuen uns schon jetzt auf neue, faszinierende Motive, die er von dort mitgebracht hat. Hier sein kurzes Statement zur diesjährigen Arbeit – wir dürfen gespannt sein!
“On this visit to the Mara, I found the grass unusually tall, which presented some challenges as well as some novel aspects. This is in contrast to last year, when the area was in severe drought conditions. Isn’t it amazing what deep effect these changes in weather have on the landscape? This rich grassland offered me fresh photographic opportunities, for example, cheetahs and even lions climbing trees! I am currently tucked away, viewing and sorting my images and will hopefully be able to give you a sneak peek next month. “ Klaus Tiedge, März 2016