Bobby Jones 1927


PCDBOJO_BobbyJoneCenter front: Bobby Jones leads off the start of the British Amateur Golf Championship (which he won), St Andrews, Scotland, 1927

Everett Collection
Modern Print 30 x 40 cm
Klavierlackrahmen 50 x 60 cm
Tantus Edition
EUR 250,–

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Bobby Jones 1927


PCDBOJO_BobbyJoneCenter front: Bobby Jones leads off the start of the British Amateur Golf Championship (which he won), St Andrews, Scotland, 1927

Everett Collection
Modern Print 30 x 40 cm
Klavierlackrahmen 50 x 60 cm
Tantus Edition
EUR 250,–

Weitere Formate / Verfahren auf Anfrage. Sprechen Sie uns gern an!


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